Sauk County Historical Society

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You're Digging in the Wrong Place: Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Wisconsin

Over the years, archaeology has been dramatized on the silver screen and television with popular series like Indiana Jones. While these depictions have been entertaining, they have also led to misconceptions about the field of archeology and the respectful study and protection of culturally significant sites. An upcoming livestream by archaeologist Seth Taft will address the truths of archaeology and best ethical practices to safeguard the human past. Taft is an SCHS board member and Chair of the Society’s Sacred Site Committee which is charged with overseeing the care of the Society’s three rural properties related to Indigenous people – Man Mound National Historic Landmark, Chief Yellow Thunder Memorial, and the Hulburt Creek Garden Beds. As an archeologist who works around the state for the Wisconsin Historical Society, Taft will illustrate the modern field of archeology by focusing on some prominent cultural sites in Sauk County to understand their importance and the federal and state laws that aid in their protection.